The Big News . . .

So the word has been drizzling out, but here’s the official announcement.

After 12 years outside the USA, most of it spent on the African continent, I’m moving to Los Angeles.

Come the end of the year I’ll pack up my things and succumb to the lure of Hollywood.  I’m looking forward to working in TV/Film in the USA, the chance to live on US soil (with our first female president, yeah!), back again close to family and roots, here I come . . .

I’ve heard Kate’s admonition about no Gold (that’s OK, I’ve done enough gold mining to last a lifetime) Tupac’s homage to living and dying in LA (well I don’t know if I’ll stay that long), but I think I’ll go with Biggie on this one.

“Strictly for the women and the weed, sticky green . . . I’m going going, back back, to Cali, Cali . . . “ (or something like that . . . )

See you on the flip side.

Love, Alex

I’m on TV . . .

Well not TV exactly, but a video of me is on the IFC website . . .

Actually did these interviews and edited these videos – I was in Washington DC last week at a gathering of Sustainability professionals from around the globe. We asked people to tell their stories, and at one point I jumped in front of the camera and did so myself.

So here I am – in the “Personal Journeys” category.  Check it out.

I realize that my frame of reference for this video goes all the way back to college days from my senior thesis which was center around a book by Donna J. Haraway –  Simians, Cyborgs, and Women:  The Reinvention of Nature.  In the book she talked about growing up Catholic and how as a Catholic she was always “drawn to the belly of  the beast.”  Well, so am I.

Prince R.I.P.

David Bowie died and I immediately felt sad then Prince passes away and I pretend I don’t’ care. My relationship with Prince was much more complicated – decades long, he unsettled me, pushed me, guided me and over the days I remember and reclaim what he meant.  Here are few of my Prince moments:

  • Summer 1884: 12 years old listening to Purple rain on my silver cassette player feeling unsettled and aroused: “Wendy . . . is the water warm enough?   Yes, Lisa. Shall we begin? Yes Lisa . . “
  • Fall 1984: 7th grade, laying back in the orthodontist chair, my mouth strapped open, listening to the assistants gush about the skinny new movie star Prince.
  • 1987: Germany my sister andI playing “If I was your girlfriend” like we are the first to discover it –  especially the last part. “And would U, would U let me kiss there, you know down there where it counts . . . and together we’ll stare into silence.”
  • Spring 1988: driving to school making everyone listen to “Sometimes it snows in April”, the mom making sarcastic weather comments and me wondering who Tracy was.
  • 1995: working at a black gay bar, the crowd always goes wild when they play “Pussy Control” so I tell the DJ to play it nightly.
  • 1996: I take my sister to visit university of Chicago to visit and they tell us repeatedly not to walk into Chicago’s South Side and so that night we head out on foot and end up in a cinema watching Girl 6 with an all Prince sound track.
  • 1997 :“In France a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name . . . “
  • 1998: Gold Experience CD: “Desperate is the day that is tomorrow . . . the only love there is is the love we make . . . “
  • 2007: I rediscover Graffiti Bridge living in Johannesburg. I put , “Round and Round” on repeat and wonder what happened to Tevin after his arrest.
  • March 2016: a month before his death, my older sister and I spend hours listening to Little Red Corvette covers on you youtube , she always liked that song. I like the lesbian one the best.
  • April 2016: A bunch of us gather in the park in South Africa, almost spontaneously, to remember Prince – I DJ, drinking, laughing, remembering (pics below).

Prince our chronicler, our raconteur, our guide . . . rest in peace.


In Durban, my favorite get away. I’ve spent most of the weekend floating in the sea.  It’s fun, the waves are so huge, you only go in certain areas, all crowded together, the life guards watching, the waves smashing against you.

I learn, yet again, the only thing you can do when a massive wave is barreling down on you is to duck.  I know there’s a life lesson in here.

My Joburg

My Johannesburg neighborhood.  Trash strike last week and so folks resorting to their own solutions.

Joburg is my love and my heartbreak .  .  .

Surviving the first Episode

So I watched Umlilo Season 3, Ep 1. At first, I could only see the problems and the terrible disjuncture between what I saw in my head when I wrote it and what was on screen (even if it was better on screen.) But then I relaxed and enjoyed it . . .

In any case, in case you missed it, here are the top 5 best moments. (I love the shit these marketing people come up with.)  Check it out.


2 TV Shows Being Shot

Two TV shows I’ve written on – “Umlilo” and “Doubt” are both being shot as we speak and go to air soon.

Umlilo: Premiering the 21st March: Mondays, eTv 21:30 – 22:30

Doubt: Premiering the 4th of April: Mondays, Mzansi Magic 20:00 – 20:30

I’ve been on a set a few times – still amazes me that all these ideas we just dreamt up in the writers’ room, hundreds of people now run around making happen.  So one day we said  “oh, let’s put Sanele in jail and have him try to escape” or “why don’t we create a fourth wife for Mnqobi?”  Now suddenly hundreds of people – actors, set designers, producers, directors, all mobilize to make this happen – each adding their own flair.

My students from the Market Lab visited the Doubt set last week, and they got a great education.  Fun, fun.